Education Background
Ph.D. Northeastern University, Shenyang 1995
M.S. Northeastern University, Shenyang 1992
B.S. Northeastern University, Shenyang 1989
Work Resume
Lecturer, associate professor, professor Tsinghua University, Beijing 1997.12-
Visiting Scholar Department of materials Science and Engineering, University of Califormia, Berkeley, USA 2001-2002
Postdoctor Tsinghua University, Beijing 1996-1997
Research Field
Interactions of high physics fields with materials
High temperature superconductivity materials
Deformation and Recrystallization
Academic Achievements
【selected publication】
1. Zhang, XD; Liu, W; Sun, DL; et al. The transformation of carbides during austenization and its effect ion the wear resistance of high speed steel rolls, METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 38A (3): 499-505 MAR 2007
2. Cao, Y; Liu, W; Sun, JL; et al. A technique for controlling the alignment of silver nanowires with an electric field,NANOTECHNOLOGY, 17 (9): 2378-2380 MAY 14 2006
3. Li, X; Liu, W; Godfrey, A; et al. Development of the Cube texture at low annealing temperatures in highly rolled pure nickel, ACTA MATERIALIA, 55:3153-3540, 2007
4. Liu, W; Lin, D; Godfrey, A; et al. Characterization of microtexture in Bi-2223 tapes using electron back-scatter pattern orientation imaging,SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 18 (4): 566-571 APR 2005
5. Liu, W; Wu, TK; Godfrey, A; et al. Effects of electrical field treatment on recrystallization of copper single crystal, SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 52 (6): 495-499 MAR 2005